What Foods to Avoid After Teeth Whitening?


After teeth whitening, it is generally recommended to avoid certain foods and drinks that can stain or discolor your teeth. Here are some examples:

  • Dark-colored beverages such as coffee, tea, red wine, and cola

  • Acidic drinks like fruit juices and sports drinks

  • Foods with intense pigments like beets, berries, and tomato sauce

  • Sauces that contain soy sauce or balsamic vinegar

  • Dark chocolate and other types of chocolate

  • Sticky or chewy foods like caramel, taffy, and gummies

  • Citrus fruits or acidic fruits like oranges and grapefruit

  • Spicy or strongly flavored foods that can irritate sensitive teeth and gums

It is also important to avoid smoking or using any tobacco products, as they can cause severe staining and discoloration of teeth. Additionally, you should maintain proper oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly.


What Causes Teeth Stains?


Is Teeth Whitening Safe?